Aging and Fitness

It is never to late to start exercising. Even if you have been a gold medal couch potato all of your life. Getting weaker, falling, and pain are not normal aging. The aging population can improve balance and strength just like the younger population. Right now is a good time to start. Being at your best will help you fight off those winter illnesses, and decrease your risk of significant injury if you do have a fall. Progressive strengthening programs help muscles be at their strongest, protect the joints and limit stiffness and wasting away of muscle tissue. Not sure where to start? Physical therapists can help you develop a fitness program. Whether your goal is to be able to get up your front steps with less effort, get off the couch easier, get back on the ski slopes or improve your golf game, we can develop the right program for you so you can continue doing what you enjoy.
Here is a link to Move Forward and Healthy Tips for Each Decade.